Automate and thrive

Hire an AI to do coordination and reporting for your team: it learns about your progress automatically and keeps everyone up to speed

Does your work day look like this?

Making sure things happen takes most of your time and energy
Making sure things happen takes most of your time and energy
Reports, updates and other admin overtook your productive time
Reports, updates and other admin overtook your productive time
Your team is overworked, so many deliverables and meetings
Your team is overworked, so many deliverables and meetings

Let ’ free your time for great achievements

’ doesn’t chase and ask, it offers updates and solutions

’ doesn’t chase and ask, it offers updates and solutions

Integrate it with your existing apps (Slack and email coming soon) and receive automatic updates on your progress and action-first reports
Not another tool — another pair of hands

Not another tool — another pair of hands

Operational from day 1, ’ frees up the manager's time for value-add tasks and supports the entire team. Think of it as a diligent and experienced project manager that is available 24/7.
Fewer meetings, faster results

Fewer meetings, faster results

‘ will make sure nothing falls through the cracks and everyone exists in the same info space: use those team meetings to boost engagement, not recaps
Data privacy

Data privacy

We don’t keep any of your data and ensure the GDPR compliance - as well as the privacy of the employee communications.

Ready to automate and thrive?

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Currently you can try out the beta version of the product, stay tuned for the full release!
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